In this post I am going to wrap up and finish my blog. This was my first experience blogging. I this final post I am going to share and discuss what I learned about Beethoven, what I found challenging and most rewarding about blogging.
One aspect of my topic that I have learned, is the background and lifestyle of Beethoven. While researching the different accomplishment of Beethoven, I discovered many different and admirable character traits of Beethoven, that I had never known before. I learned that there was much more to him, then just the composition of classical music. I expected him to be an angry, greedy man, but in reality he was like everyone else and struggled to get things he wanted, like becoming a famous composer.
Another aspect I learned about Beethoven is that he had many faults. Before I dived into my research of Beethoven, I thought he was someone who was handed anything he wanted. I was quickly proved wrong, I now realize that Beethoven was a very hard working man. He worked his hardest to get where he was, he struggled all of his life. Starting at a young age, dealing with his alcoholic fathers cruel teaching methods, to nearing his end, when he had to overcome becoming deaf.
I had some difficulties while blogging as well. I found it difficult to post my writings, or pictures. Sometimes the links would not redirect me to the article I had cited. Also, on the iPad, the pictures on my blog did not show, they were just brought up as a question mark. Which made it difficult to know if the picture was even present in the post.
Another difficulty I experienced was that the iPad was harder to deal with while blogging. If I needed to edit my blog, the post would not always save the edits. It was also difficult to keep up with the due dates of posts.
An aspect that was rewarding to me most about my topic of Ludwig van Beethoven, was that I got the opportunity to learn a lot more about him. Starting off my research and blogging process,I did not know much about Beethoven, I knew he was successful in composition, but nothing as precise as how he made his living. I got to know him in a different perspective. I accomplished my research in a fun and very different way.
Beethoven also taught me a lot. This project was a big learning experience, but at same time it was fun and way better then a huge essay! Along the way Beethoven taught me that you must never give up, no mater how hard life is.
As you finish reading my blog, I hope you found it helpful and enjoying. In this blog i toughed on different instruments, accomplishments, and struggles of Beethoven. This is my last and final post on this blog of Ludwig van Beethoven. This is also a reflection of how my blogging process went.
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